Thanks to the generous donation of the Caneel Family Foundation, The Dance Academy of Virginia is able to provide need-based tuition scholarships to families affected by the Coronavirus.

Providing COVID affected need-based tuition scholarships for the 20/21 Winter/Spring Session
Eligible for: New Students aged 2-18 whose families have been impacted by COVID-19 due to job loss, furlough, or pay cut.
To Apply:
Complete online application form
Submit evidence of financial need to
Evidence of financial need may be but not limited to:
Employer letter verifying layoff
Proof of unemployment benefits
Pay stubs before and after pay cut
Apply by December 10th.
If funds remain after 1st round, application process will be extended.
Scholarships will be awarded to students to cover class tuition for the Winter/Spring Session in the 20/21 School Year at the Dance Academy of Virginia. The session runs January 4 through June 13th. Scholarship students may choose to attend classes in-studio or virtually.
For questions, please email